Fresh Dutch chicken fillets, thigh meat and inner fillets
Supplied from Cor Voet B.V. a family run company, based 10km north west of Amsterdam.
The company moved into a brand new ‘greenfield site’ factory at the end of 2018, with state of the art processing facilities and has achieved FSSC 22000 accreditation.
Consistent quality fresh chicken fillets
Traceable - from farm to slaughterhouse, to Cor Voet and to the UK customer...a fully integrated professional food chain
Natural meat - plump fillets with nice pink colour
AIR chilled - not water chilled, which can have up to 7% water without declaring it
Properly trimmed and with the inner fillet well attached
Processed to ensure good eating quality and freshness – our customers tell us how well our fillets last
Well presented in a tray
Cor Voet fillets are totally genuine!
All product would be produced for customers’ orders as follows:
Day 1 Birds are killed locally in Holland (90%) / Belgium(10%)
Day 2 Breast Caps (bone-in) are delivered into Cor Voet for processing into boneless fillets
Day 3 Delivery of fresh fillets to UK customer
Cor Voet do not process any Eastern European breast caps.